
Sandhills Leaders

Below are the leaders for Sandhills Pony Club:

District Commissioner: Yvette Sparks - Pine Bluff, NC

Joint District Commissioner: Karen Conlin - Vass, NC

Joint District Commissioner: Illyana Fox - Fayetteville, NC 15164487378

Joint District Commissioner: Cameron Sadler - Southern Pines, NC (910) 684-0970

Club Secretary: Carrie Barrett - Southern Pines, NC (415) 377-4203

Club Treasurer: Michelle McKinney - Pinebluff, NC (615) 268-9145

For membership questions please email:


USPC Pony Clubs and Riding Centers are assigned to one of 41 geographical regions, which are administered by a volunteer Regional Supervisor (RS) and other appointed and elected officers. Sandhills Pony Club is part of the Carolina Region. Visit the region's website for the contact information for the Regional Officers.